Lack of specialists in 2013

Some businesses were cautious in selecting staff. Personnel market is directly dependent on the state of the economy and, during 2013 Kazakhstani employees worked in a relatively favorable period of smooth growth in all sectors. About this in an interview with Business Portal Valeria Sheveleva, the director of ANCOR personnel holding told,

Autumn session New Year chord

Yesterday, under the chairmanship of Speaker, Nurlan Nigmatulin one held the final plenary session of the Majilis. The chamber gave its approval to a number of legislative acts, and proceeded to the bill, initiated by a group of MPs on minimum social standards and safeguards. Source: Кazakhstanskaya Pravda Republican Newspaper President of the Chamber N.Nigmatulin… Read More

A bill suspending the number of permits in Kazakhstan has been prepared- Zhamishev

Only if introduced to this law, a new permit or notification may come to existence. Source: Novosti-Kazakhstan IA The bill assuming the conservation of the number of permissive and notification documentation in Kazakhstan is at the final stage of negotiation with government agencies, the Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Bolat Zhamishev said on Thursday, as… Read More

Senate passed a series of laws and summed up the year

Opening the regular meeting of the Senate, the Speaker of the House K.Tokayev summed up the year. Source: IA 2013 was the first year of Kazakhstan -2050 – the long-term strategy of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev. During the year, within the framework of implementing the strategic objectives set by the Head of State, senators… Read More

Efficient economy

Yesterday, at a Cabinet meeting issues of execution of the Plan of legislative work in 2013 discussed. The plan was presented by the head of the Ministry of Justice.  One held the wide discussion of the State program of water management. Source: Kazakhstanskaya Pravda Republican Newspaper Progressive segment According to data provided by the Minister… Read More

23 June has been declared as the day of the public officer in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 23 December Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev has made additions, according to which 23 June was declared the Day of the public officer, as informed by the official website of Akorda “I hereby order to amend the decree of 20 January 1998 No. 3827 “On professional and other holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”… Read More

A concept of pension assets management will be presented by the National Bank of Kazakhstan in I quarter of 2014

ASTANA, 23 December – Novosty – Kazakhstan IA. National Bank of (NB) of Kazakhstan expects to present the concept of pension assets concentrated in the Uniform Accumulation Pension Fund (UAPF) in the first quarter of next year, the NB head, Kairat Kelimbetov said on Monday at a briefing in Astana. “In the first quarter we will present… Read More

Business service centers will be opened in all regional centers of Kazakhstan before the end of the year

ASTANA, 23 December – Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Business service centers will be opened in all regional centers of Kazakhstan till the end of 2013, the head of the Development Fund “Damu” Entrepreneurship Lyazzat Ibragimov at a briefing on Monday. “In 2013, we opened business service centers in nine regional centers. During this and next week, before 31 December… Read More

Presentation of Tax Reporting – Fulfillment of Tax Liabilities

Violation of the deadlines established by the laws for the presentation of tax reports entails administrative responsibilities. Source: ZAKON.KZ IA  According to applicable legislation in the area of taxation for all forms of tax reporting, one provides for the deadlines for its submission as informed by Nalog.​kokc.​kz. Preparation and presentation of tax forms to the tax… Read More

Based on results of tax audits, amount of 31 billion of KZT was paid to the budget

Tax inspections have been reduced by 2 times compared to the last year. Source: ZAKON.KZ IA. Since 2013, Tax authorities of Almaty has performed 1430 complex and limited scope audits based on results of which   31,7 billion Tenge was additional paid to the budget. Currently 9,6 billion tenge has been charged. Currently, we are working on other… Read More

Unscheduled business inspection should be stopped

Serik Akhmetov, the RoK prime minister instructed “all ministries and agencies to stop all the unreasonable and unscheduled inspection of business entities.” This was said during the meeting on issues of implementation of the president’s instructions announced during the Day of Industrialization, according to the site of the prime -minister. Head of Government

Nazarbayev instructed to toughen punishment for officials for illegal business inspection

ASTANA, 20 December –  Novosty –Kazakhstan IA. Measures should be taken to tighten penalties for illegal inspection of business by officials in Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the President said. “It is important to take measures to toughen punishment of officials for illegal business inspection. General Prosecutor’s do not perform its task in full. 140,000 inspections have been… Read More

Majilis approved amendments providing for conclusions of international treaties in State language

ASTANA, 18 December – Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Deputies of the Majilis of Kazakhstan’s parliament approved a bill “On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of international treaties”, providing an opportunity to enter into international treaties Kazakhstan in the state language, the agency reports . The purpose of the bill is to… Read More

Fitch identified the risk of the banks of CIS countries

Further rapid and weakly managed growth in retail loans growth is negative for banks in Kazakhstan. The forecast for most banking sectors in the CIS and Georgia in 2014 is “Stable”, reflecting the agency’s expectations that the operating environment does not undergo significant changes. It is reported by Business Portal  with the reference to… Read More

Petrol production in Kazakhstan has reduced by 5,9%

We could observe such a trend in January-November this year. Source: Business Portal.  In Kazakhstan, in January-November 2013, 2,453 million ton of motor fuel (petrol, including aviation petrol), that is 5,9% less than in the similar period of 2012. This information was provided by the Agency for statistics.  Besides, according to the Agency for statistics, 4,658… Read More

Home Credit Bank has become more accessible in all regions of Kazakhstan

SB Bank Home Credit has announced the grand opening of branches in 9 major cities of Kazkahstan: Aktobe, Semey, Kostanay, Taldukorgan, Karaganda, Zheskazgan, Taraz, Kyzylorda. Source: – Home Credit Bank – solid, rapidly growing retail bank opens branches in all regions of the country to be closer to each customer and provide local citizens the opportunity… Read More

Calls from Kazakhstan to other countries will be cheaper

Kazakhtelecom announced tariff reduction. Since January 1, 2014 Kazakhtelecom has changed the billing rate for the service of international telephone connections from 10 seconds to 1 second. This information was provided to Business Portal  by Kazakhtelecom press services.  For example, before December 31, 2013 during a conversation lasting 21 seconds subscriber pays for direction… Read More

Construction of energy circle of the city has been completed

Energy circle construction is the large scale energy project during the independence years.  Source: IA.  In Almaty a new power station “Besagash” has been commissioned The project on construction of energy circle of 220 Kw has been implemented. Over five years 29 substations have been constructed and commissioned in Almaty.  Every year 300 km networks… Read More