One has demonstrated the toll road Astana – Shchuchinsk to the members of Parliament of the RK

Astana. October 11. One has demonstrated the toll road Astana – Shchuchinsk to the members of Parliament of Kazakhstan, News Agency Kazakhstan Today reports. Demonstrating the work of system of toll collection and payment terminals, Chairman of the Board of JSC NC KazAvtoZhol,  Erik Sultanov said that for local transport on the toll road Astana –… Read More

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New Draft Environmental Code to be considered in the Parliament of the RoK

According to, at the session of Work Group on Improvement of Environmental Legislation of Kazakhstan, Nikolay Radostovets, the Chairman of the Mining and Metallurgic Industry Committee of the Panel of the National Entrepreneurs Chamber of Kazakhstan informed that new draft environmental code shall be introduced for consideration by the Parliament.

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Taxes must be comfortable for the economy and businesses, and not for the officials – A. Peruashev

Akzhol members intend to insist on fiscal support for industrial and high-tech industries, including – through the introduction of differentiated industry VAT rates.  Source: [url][/url]. Taxes must be comfortable for the economy and businesses, and not for the officials, Azat Peruashev said at a briefing held in Service of central

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Ak Zhol demands to return the bill on the bankruptcy in order to improve it

The bill “On the Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy” should be returned for revision in accordance with the instructions of the President and included proposals of faction on the bankruptcy of individuals and SMEs – this was stated by Almas Turtaev at the plenary session of the Majilis. Source: [url][/url]. The Ak Zhol’s requests  addressed to the… Read More

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Procedure for attraction of foreign specialists to the sphere of innovations will be simplified in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 22 January — International News Agency Novosty-Kazakhstan. Deputies of Majilis (lower chamber) of the RoK Parliament have approved a bill “On the innovative cluster “Complex of innovative technologies” in the first reading, the agency correspondent reports.   According to the conclusion of Majilis Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development, the draft law is aimed

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1 % of the income of subsoil users will be contributed to the science

This innovation has been adopted by deputies of Majilis. The new management system and the new mechanism of financing of “Complex of innovation technologies” which is located in Almaty. The bill has been adopted by the deputies of Majilis, as the correspondent of business portal from Astana informs. In particular, one has legislatively established… Read More

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The registry of problems of business and its solutions will be created in the RoK

Kazakhstan announced the problems of entrepreneurs. Business in regions is experiencing many difficulties. This was told by the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Gulnar Kurbanbaeva, the correspondent of Business Portal informs. The first type of problems is connected with the organization of the business. “Unfortunately, we have not reached… Read More

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Majilis has approved ratification of the Protocol with Switzerland for the avoidance of double taxation

ASTANA, 8 January — IA Novosty-Kazakhstan. Deputies of Majilis (lower chamber) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan have approved the draft law “On ratification of the Protocol between the Government of Kazakhstan and the Swiss Federal Council on amendments to the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and on… Read More

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Laws which are entered into force on 1 January 2014

Source: Business Portal lists the approved laws, which are entered into force on 1 January 2014. The head of state in December 2012 ordered the government to submit to the Parliament of Kazakhstan a project of four new codes: criminal – procedural, criminal, criminal – executive and the Code of Administrative Offences. N. Nazarbayev… Read More

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Autumn session New Year chord

Yesterday, under the chairmanship of Speaker, Nurlan Nigmatulin one held the final plenary session of the Majilis. The chamber gave its approval to a number of legislative acts, and proceeded to the bill, initiated by a group of MPs on minimum social standards and safeguards. Source: Кazakhstanskaya Pravda Republican Newspaper President of the Chamber N.Nigmatulin… Read More

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Efficient economy

Yesterday, at a Cabinet meeting issues of execution of the Plan of legislative work in 2013 discussed. The plan was presented by the head of the Ministry of Justice.  One held the wide discussion of the State program of water management. Source: Kazakhstanskaya Pravda Republican Newspaper Progressive segment According to data provided by the Minister… Read More

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Majilis approved amendments providing for conclusions of international treaties in State language

ASTANA, 18 December – Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Deputies of the Majilis of Kazakhstan’s parliament approved a bill “On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of international treaties”, providing an opportunity to enter into international treaties Kazakhstan in the state language, the agency reports . The purpose of the bill is to… Read More

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