Law against deliberate bankruptcy was approved by Majilis

The RK bill intended to exclude unreasonable bankruptcies in Majilis was approved in the second reading. This was reported by Business Portal from Astana.  Law “On rehabilitation and bankruptcy” is aimed to protect the interests of creditors. As part of the document one provides for the shortening of the bankruptcy proceedings and changes in the… Read More

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The rules for the exchange of electronic documents in the CU have been established

Deputies of Majilis (lower chamber) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan have approved the ratification of the agreement on the application of information technology in the exchange of electronic documents in foreign and mutual trade within the common customs territory of the Customs Union, Novosty-Kazakhstan IA reports. Agreement regulates relations arising in the process of drafting,… Read More

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Amendments to the law on EXPO – 2017 have been approved in Majilis

The Majilis deputies approved amendments to the bill of Kazakhstan governing the conduct of the international exhibition EXPO – 2017 in Astana. This is reported by the correspondent of business portal.  As the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the RoK, Yerbolat Dossaev informed, the document provides for the exemption of construction of… Read More

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The bill on government procurement was criticized in Majilis

Special attention has been awarded to a national procurement regime. The new bill on public procurement was criticized by majilismen during the presentation of the document by the Ministry of Finance. This is reported by the correspondent of business portal from Astana. So the majilismen consider the introduction of preferences from 1 January 2014… Read More

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Issues of plenary session are identified

A package of bills on which the deputies will be determined deadlines to draw conclusions is prepared. According, new documents form three blocks, the first of which includes laws on ratification of agreements: on the use of information technology in the exchange of electronic documents in foreign and mutual trade within the common customs… Read More

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There is no danger of the credit bubble in Kazakhstan

This opinion was expressed by bankers and experts. At present, no consumer credit is concern, but the growth of issue of unsecured loans. This was reported to a correspondent in an interview with experts of Business Portal.  In particular, the Kazakhstani financiers see nothing inappropriate that in the country the volume of consumer loans… Read More

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The draft law about the republican budget for 2014-2016 was presented in the Senate

Astana. October 25. Kazakhstan Today – Draft law “On republican budget for 2014-2016” was presented in the Senate, Kazakhstan Today reports. “Today in the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of Deputy Speaker of the House, Kairat Ischanov,  the presentation of draft laws “On republican budget for 2014-2016 ”… Read More

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The law on patronship will be developed in the Republic of Kazakhstan

This document will help to solve the problem of sponsorship. The Parliament plans to create in Kazakhstan the draft law “On patronship”. This was reported by I. Aronova, a deputy at the Republican conference “Best social projects in Kazakhstan”, as Business portal reports. “Today one said that there is a problem of sponsorship. Society is… Read More

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Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan will have had an electronic health passport by 2020

Astana. September 3. According to the plans of the Ministry of Health in 2020 every citizen of Kazakhstan will have and electronic health passport, reports News Agency Kazakhstan Today. As the channel “Khabar” reports, in electronic health passport one will provide information on previous diseases, blood type , Rh factor, and a number of other… Read More

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Mazhilis approved the draft law concerning ratification of the agreement between RoK and ABD on $125 million loan

Astana. 2nd October 2013. The Mazhilis deputies today approved the draft law concerning ratification of the Agreement for the $125 million loan to be obtained by Kazakhstan from the Asian Bank of Development for the construction of a part of Shymkent-Tashkent highway of Europe-Western China corridor, Kazakhstan Today Information Agency informs. As RoK Minister of Transport… Read More

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Two international agreements have been ratified

Yesterday, at the plenary session of the Senate of RoK Parliament chaired by Kairat Mami, the Chamber ratified two international agreements.  According to the agenda, the deputies considered and ratified the Agreement between the Governments of RoK and PRC concerning certain issues of cooperation in the development and operation of Kazakhstan-China pipeline. As the Minister… Read More

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Elena Bakhmutova: Pension System Must Be Improved

Reformation of the Kazakhstan pension system has caused hectic discussions in the society. But despite extensive discussions, the key provisions of the pension legislation still raise questions. In an interview with our correspondent, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund JSC Elena Bakhmutova expressed the view about certain aspects of the… Read More

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