Starting from the year 2014, the national regime of public procurement will be introduced in Kazakhstan

The Introduction of the national regimes involves fulfillment of obligations of Kazakhstan under the integration agreements concluded in Common Economic Space. Source: The first Channel Eurasia  In Astana, Majilismen were presented the bill, equalizing the participation of producers of the Customs Union in the public procurement.  The Minister of Finances, Bakhyt Sultanov proposed to give an opportunity… Read More

Optimization of audits of small businesses

383 audits were conducted throughout the region. Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ As of 01.11.2013, the number of small businesses in the Akmola region totaled 40,603. Compared with the same period of the last year, an increase in the number of active entities by 9.6% is observed. Concerning the amount of revenue from small businesses we can… Read More

Deregistration of transport vehicles is simplified in Kazakhstan

The Government Decree dated 26 august 2013 # 851 “On approval of the Rules of state registration and accounting of certain types of transport vehicles   according to the identification number of the transport vehicle”, on the initiative of MIA has introduced the amendments concerning deregistration of the transport vehicle in case of non-availability of a certificate of… Read More

Issuance of certificates under the CIPA program is suspended

Eurasian Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors is involved into the court proceedings. Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ  Currently the Eurasian Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors is involved into the court proceedings as a defendant, a part of Eurasian Council of Certified Accountants and Auditors – plaintiffs represented mainly by former managers Eurasian Council of Certified Accountants and… Read More

The draft law on public procurement should not let the possibility to “line his/her pockets”

At the plenary meeting, the Majilis approved amendments in the first reading concerning public procurements. Source: PA ZAKON.KZ This is one of the most resonant projects in the portfolio of the current meeting. The Chairman of the Majilis, Nurlan Nigmatullin noticed that public procurements have always entailed many questions. This document must be scrutinized, in order… Read More

The term of prolongation of patiants for 2014 expires on 31 December of the current year

The term of prolongation of patents for 2014 expires 31 December of the current year. Source: The Tax Department of Almaty reminds that, the deadline for the prolongation of patents for 2014 expires on 31 December of the current year. In Almaty, the special tax regime based on patent is applied by more than  22 000… Read More

Introduction of e-invoice-factures

Currently, the RoK of Ministry of Finances is performing the work on introduction of e-invoice-fractures. Source: The main goal of introduction of e-invoice –factures is to increase the productivity and efficiency of the work  of taxpayers, reduction of time and costs in information processing and optimization of document circulation with respect to issuance of invoice-factures,… Read More

Tax inspection

Definition of tax inspections and its purposes are defined by paragraph 1 of Article 558 of the RoK Code “On Taxes and other Obligatory Payments to the Budget” as informed by Salyksko.​kz. Tax inspection – another form of tax control, performing the tax authorities in the work time according to the place of location specified… Read More

The Bill on “the bankruptcy of individuals” will be presented in Majilis in 2016

The Ministry of Finances has suggested to deputies approving the laws concerning bankruptcy of enterprises.  Source: Khabar Agency  Majilis has approved in the first reading the bill. As a mjiliswoman Aigul Solovyeva said, we have a clear situation with legal entities and many issuas arises in respect of individuals. Aigul Solovyeva said: – When do… Read More

The parliament of RK adopted the new pakage of ammendments on matters concerning organisation and holding EXPO-2017

The law will introduce amendments to 8 legislative acts, including two codes budget and tax. Source: Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Deputies of the Senate (Upper Chamber) during the plenary session “On introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the RoK” concerning EXPO-2017 in Astana” in the second reading,

A new tax will be imposed on new automobiles purchased and imported into the RoK after 1 January 2014

Today, the RoK Senate of the Parliament approved increase of tax on transport included into the list of article of luxury. Source:  The draft law provides for 1 January 2014 as the date of introduction of new rates. The tax rate for automobiles with engine capacity of 4 to 5 th. cubic centimeter will be 130… Read More

The Parliament of Kazakhstan has adopted amendments increasing tax on alcohol, tobacco and property

The senators have adopted the law on “Introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the RoK on matters concerning taxation”.  Source:  Novosty-Kazakhstan International Information Agency»  Deputies of the Senate (upper chamber of the parliament) have adopted the law “On introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on matters concerning taxation” in… Read More

MCI, MS rates for the year 2014

The budget policy in the mid-term period will be aimed at ensuring balancing of state finances. Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ  In 2014 measures of counter-cyclical control over economy. Information was presented by the RoK Prime –Minister, S. Akhmetov on the plenary meeting of the RoK Parliament Majilis, after approval of the draft law “On Republican Budget for… Read More

Majilismen has approved amendments on counteraction to activities of financial pyramids

Currently, a criminal responsibility is provided for creation and management of financial pyramids activities.  Source: ZAKON.KZ IA Today, at the plenary meeting, Majilis approved legislative amendments on counteraction to financial pyramids activities. The press service of the agency informed.  The new amendments were adopted in the second reading on counteraction to financial pyramids activities and its… Read More

In Majilis, subsidization of pension contributions for working women being on maternity leave was approved

These payments will be received by more than 150 thousand of working woman. Source: ZAKON.KZ IA. Today, Majilis has approved amendments at the plenary meeting on matters concerning social welfare benefit, the press service of the agency informed. The draft law provides for, subsidization of pension contributions for working women being on maternity leave until

Ministry of Internal Affairs suggests passing the fingerprinting procedure to its citizens

Human rights defenders say that this procedure is necessary, but they are in doubt that the data base will be inviolable. Officials of the General Prosecutor’s Office promise that: “Everything will be under the strict control”.  The police spoke about this idea several times: first time it was in 2002, the in 2007. In the… Read More

Astana will impose sanctions on Moscow, if car recycling tax is not cancelled

ASTANA, 18 November – IA Novosty – Kazakhstan. Astana is in talks with Moscow on the abolition of car recycling tax. If no agreement is reached, Kazakhstan will have to apply retaliatory measures against imports of Russian cars, Minister for Economic Integration of the Republic, Zhanar Aytzhanova said at the “government hour” in the Majilis. “Russia after… Read More

Kazakhstan plans to join WTO in the first six months of 2014

ASTANA, 18 November – IA Novosty-Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan will draw up technical documents to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) after the end of the negotiations on agriculture subsidies that are expected to be completed in the first half of 2014, the Minister of Economic Integration of the Republic, Zhanar Aytzhanova said to reporters. “Dates are always dependent… Read More

Introduction of the new Criminal Code in Kazakhstan is postponed till 2015

The new version of the Criminal Code was presented by the deputy General Prosecutor of the RoK, Iogan Merkel, as the correspondent of YK-news.​kz. reports.  Lawmakers were working with amendments during the year. Updated Code has been added 45 and has noticeable been more tolerant towards offenders. Especially towards persons accessible to bribery.  For the… Read More

Disproportion between domestic personnel and foreign personnel is considered

In Majilis the presentation of the bill “On professional associations” was performed: Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ  – Currently, the issue on disproportion between domestic and foreign personnel  or on disproportion inside  the same branch of several enterprises concerning  salary payment is risen, the minister of labour and social protection, Tamara Duysenova said at the presentation of the… Read More