The new version of the Criminal Code was presented by the deputy General Prosecutor of the RoK, Iogan Merkel, as the correspondent of YK-news.​kz. reports.  Lawmakers were working with amendments during the year. Updated Code has been added 45 and has noticeable been more tolerant towards offenders. Especially towards persons accessible to bribery. 

For the first time ever such a measure as the lifelong prohibition of working at certain positions for two categories of citizens was introduced : pedophiles and officials. Depending on their actions the first can be imprisoned for the period of 20 and more for sexual offences against children and will lose the right to work with non-adults in future. 

– Infringement on non-adults will especially be punished, Iogan Merkel said. – At the same time, those who for the first time made a false stem to socially vulnerable people such as teenagers, pensioner and disabled persons, the law will maximally commute a sentence. 

The prosecutor’s office proposes to exempt the corrupt officials from prison term, if they refund money stolen to the budget of the country.  In order to avoid such games, it is proposed that such officials should not have the right to be at such positions in future, and have ranks and state awards. 

The close attention in the Code was paid to social safety. The criminal responsibility will be applied to persons initiated labour conflicts.   Article 400 of the RoK CC provides for 3 years of imprisonment. 

Criminal offences will include violations of requirements in building and construction. This measure as the General Prosecutor’s office believes will strengthen control and responsibility at all stages of townplanning and building and construction activities.  

– Criminal responsibility will be applied to persons committed medical offences, Iogan Merkel said. – Studies on persons cloning are forbidden. 

Cybercrime offences will also entail criminal responsibility, including for data trespass, illegal line-tap, modification and destruction, as well as distribution of programmes or destructive materials entailing social danger. Responsibility for distribution of information of offensive or detractive nature via computer systems will be improved.

Imprisonment having no alternative will be applied to terrorists, members of Organised Criminal Group, persons committed exceptionally aggravated criminal or military offence, as one said in the General Prosecutor’s Office. 

The new version of the RoK CC contains 467 Articles against 422 currently existing. The draft document will be studied by deputies of the Majilis of the RoK Parliament. It was initially planned that the Civil Code will enter into force in 2014.   Taking into account that changes will also be introduced in the Criminal Procedural Code and the Code on administrative Offences, one more year is given to improve these three versions. 

Anastasiya Kupriyanova

Source: Ust’-Kamenogorsk News Web-Site


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