Established a fund for the development of renewable energy

To create a fund investors have been attracted. Holding “Baiterek” attracted investors in “green” economy of Kazakhstan, one reported to Business Portal  in press service of holding.  They have signed a tripartite memorandum of of “Baiterek” – JSC “National Agency for Technological Development” in the list of participators of Central Asia Renewable Energy Fund… Read More

Law against deliberate bankruptcy was approved by Majilis

The RK bill intended to exclude unreasonable bankruptcies in Majilis was approved in the second reading. This was reported by Business Portal from Astana.  Law “On rehabilitation and bankruptcy” is aimed to protect the interests of creditors. As part of the document one provides for the shortening of the bankruptcy proceedings and changes in the… Read More

The rules for the exchange of electronic documents in the CU have been established

Deputies of Majilis (lower chamber) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan have approved the ratification of the agreement on the application of information technology in the exchange of electronic documents in foreign and mutual trade within the common customs territory of the Customs Union, Novosty-Kazakhstan IA reports. Agreement regulates relations arising in the process of drafting,… Read More

Nazarbayev has signed amendments to the Law on labour migration

ASTANA, 10 December – Novosty-Kazkahstan IA. Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan has signed the Law “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Labour Migration Issues” aimed at improvement of the state policy in the labour migration area, the website of Akorda informs.   The law provides for condition which forbids… Read More

Financial police suggested limiting single cash withdrawal by individuals to the amount of 5.2 million tenge

ASTANA, 10 December – Source: Novosty-Kazakhstan IA. Kazakhstan Agency for Struggle against Economic Crimes and Corruption (Financial Police) offers to limit a one-time cash withdrawal by individuals to the amount of 3000 monthly calculation indexes or 5.2 million tenge, Denis Shakenov, the head of the department for the disclosure and prevention of corruption cases said on Tuesday.… Read More

The Law on EXPO provides for amendments to 8 legislative acts

Astana. December 9. Kazakhstan Today – Today in Astana,  at a press briefing central communications services under the President of RK, Legal Director of JSC “NC ” Astana EXPO-2017″, Maya Egimbayeva told about the law on EXPO and introduced amendments to the legislative acts, Kazakhstan Today reports. “Law on EXPO provides for the amendments to 8… Read More

The senate committee has considered amendments to the law on social welfare

The purpose of the bill is to improve the legislative base of the RK in the area of pension welfare and obligatory pension charges.   Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ The RoK Bill “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the RoK on matters concerning social welfare was considered by the Senate of the RoK Parliament”. The bill

Fast and reliable

Time for installation of POS-terminals for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is postponed till 1 July 2014. Since 1 January 2013 POS -terminals are an integral part of the workflow of taxpayers applying generally established taxation. At the same time, for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs following the special tax regime (patent simplified declaration), installation… Read More

More than 1,4 thousand of individuals who do not pay taxes were identified

Property income-income from the value growth when selling property.  Tax Authority of Almaty based on information received from Department of Justice of Almaty have identified 1 469 individuals who received property income without paying taxes as reported by Nda.​kz.  Taxpayers were sent notifications in order they could independently to eliminate violations of the RoK laws. Currently… Read More

The rules of operation of point of passage across the state border have been approved in the RoK

In Kazakhstan Decree of the Government dated 17 September 2013 # 977 approved the Rules on opening (closing) functioning (operation), as well as requirements to technique and organization of the work of point of passage across the State Border of the RoK. Source: ИА ZAKON.KZ  The Rules determine opening (closing) functioning (operation), as well as requirements to technique… Read More

Nazarbayev has signed ammendments increasing the excise duty on alcohol baverages, tobacco and property tax

ASTANA 5th December – PA Novosty-Kazakhstan. The president of the RoK, Nursultan Nazarbayev has signed the law “On amendments to some legislative acts of the RoK on issues of taxation” which are elaborated to improve the tax law, as reported by the press- service of Akorda.  The law provides for the norms of the implementation of… Read More

The first Alamaty International Investment Forum is holding in Almaty

Since 2005, more than $ 170 billion of foreign direct investment has been attracted in Kazakhstan and bilateral agreements on the promotion and protection was signed by 148 countries. Accumulated direct investment per capita in 2012 amounted to $ 6.5 thousand, Kazakhstan now ranks the first place in the post-Soviet space. Source: These figures… Read More

In Kazakhstan, more than 60 % of taxpayers will submit the simplified declaration on income

Astana. December 4. – In Kazakhstan, according to the bill “On amendments to some legislative acts concerning the declaration of income and property of the citizens of Kazakhstan” about 60 % of taxpayers will submit the form of a simplified declaration of income and assets, Kazakhstan Today reports. “We have elaborated a simplified form of declaration… Read More

Young persons of Kazakhstan will declare property and income – MinFin

This was announced by the vice-minister of Finances, Ruslan Dalenov. Source: Novosty – Kazakhstan International Press Agency. Young Persons will declare property in income in Kazakhstan after introduction of the overall declaration in 2017 in the country, as reported by the vice-minister, Ruslan Dalenov in Wednesday ИА Novosty-Kazakhstan informs.  According to the draft blaw the number of… Read More

More than 26 000 taxpayers were applied administrative penalty in the form of notification

Amendments introduced on 01.01.2013 to CoAO provides for a notification instead of imposing a penalty on taxpayers, who performed violation for the first time in the area of taxation. Source: Tax Authorities of Almaty based on results of 11 months of 2013 identified 35 903 evidences of committing the administrative offences in the area of taxation.… Read More

The Ministry of Finances will impose penalties on Kazakhstan citizens for the late submission of the Income Decelaration

This information was presented on Wednesday by the chairman of the Tax Committed of the Ministry of Finance, Tolganay Botakanova.   Source: Novosty Kazakhstan International Information Agency “In case of the late submission of the Income and Property Declaration  entails the notification and in cases of repeated late submission the penalty will be imposed on in… Read More

The three-year moratorium on the desk audits of declarations is planned to be imposed by the Ministry of Finance

This information was announces by Mr. Dalenov during the round table conference on change over to the overall declaration of income and property of the RoK citizens. Source: Novosty – Kazakhstan International Information Agency. The moratorium on the desk audits of declarations until 2020 is planned to be applied by the Ministry of Finances as reported by… Read More

The Kazakhstani Ministry of Finance advises not to hide the property when filling in the declaration for the first time

The Kazakhstani Ministry of Finance advises not to hide the property when filling in the declaration for the first time, as informed by Mr. Dalenov. Source: Novosty Kazakhstan International Information Agency The submission of the declaration will be divided into the two stages. Stage 1-introduction to the declaration system: to start the declaration the individual has to… Read More

Subsistence minimum in November was 17,029 tenge

Astana. 3 December. [url][/url] – The subsistence minimum per capita, calculated on the basis of minimum standards of consumption of basic foodstuffs, in November 2013 compared to the previous month decreased by 8.6 %, in  November 2012 – increased by 2.9 % and amounted to 17 029 KZT, Kazakhstan Today informs. According to information of the Statistics… Read More

Deal between Microsoft and Nokia was approved in USA

Одобрение акционерами Nokia сделки по покупке Microsoft мобильного подразделения компании, состоявшееся 19 ноября, еще не означает завершения сделки. Она должна быть одобрена регулирующими органами США и Европы. Теперь же стало известно, что еще один шаг к объединению сделан. Сообщается, что соглашение

More than 800 taxpayers have illegaly applied the provisions of the Tax Treaty

Tax authorities of Almaty, based on results of in-house control of tax reporting forms submitted by the taxpayer for the year 2011, have identified 857 taxpayers illegally exempt from taxation of income of foreign companies received in Kazakhstan. Source: Taxpayers, when paying income to foreign companies for services rendered applied the provisions of international… Read More

Management of Aktau port can be transferred to the foreign company

Astana. 2 December. – the management of Kazakhstan Aktau seaport where the project on extensions is implemented may be transferred to a foreign company, as informed by Kazakhstan Today. “The interest to take control of the seaport Aktau is shown by a Spanish company. Currently the delegation of Spain, whose members study all aspects, is in Kazakhstan.… Read More

The Head of the state has signed the Law on the Guaranteed Transfer from the national Fund for 2014-2016

Astana. 30 November. Source: – The RoK President, Nursultan Nazarbayev has signed the Law “On Guaranteed Transfer from the National Fund for 2014-2016”, Kazakhstan Today reports. “The Head of the state has signed the Law “On the Guaranteed Transfer from the national Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2016”, Akorda press service reported on Friday. The… Read More