Center for Future Energy will be created in Kazakhstan

This information was presented by the head of the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources, Nurlan Kapparov. Source:  According to information presented by Nurlan Kapparov, the need to create such an institution in Kazakhstan is indisputable. It will allow us to understand the long-term prospects for energy development, to minimize risks and ensure

ARNM has reduced income of monopolists by more than 3 times in 2013

ASTANA, 3 February – Иnovosty –Kazakhstan NA.  Income of monopolists were reduced by the Agency for Regulation of Natural Monopolies of Kazakhstan by 175 billion tenge in 2013. It is more than three times as compared with 2012, Murat Ospanov, the head of the department said on Tuesday. “Tariffs are strictly approved in accordance with the… Read More

Financial police and the National chamber of entrepreneurs have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

Chairman of the Financial Police Agency, Rashid Tussupbekov and the President of the national chamber of entrepreneurs, Timur Kulibayev have signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation in protection of rights of entrepreneurs, as the press service of the financial police informed. Source: NA The memorandum provides for the implementation of joint activities, identifying systemic… Read More

The rules to set a veto upon decisions of the Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs have been approved in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan dated 31 December 2013 #1525 approved rules to set a veto upon decisions of the Congress of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. The Resolution was published in the official media, as the IA informed. Source: IA Source: [url][/url]. The document states that according to paragraph 2 of… Read More

The RoK President has signed amendments concerning the RoK international treaties

Nursultan Nazarbayev, the RoK President has signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan “, as reported by the press service of the head of state. Source: NA The Law provides for the introduction of… Read More

Concerning legalization of certificates of residence of persons who are residents of countries participating in Kishinev Convention

As we ( were previously informed, letter of TC MF RK[2] dated 7 June 2013 # НК-13-55-4256, states that the norms of the Convention “On aid and advice in legal matters and legal relationship on civil, domestic and criminal proceedings” concluded between member states in Kishinev city on 7 October 2002 and ratified by RK… Read More

The Majilis has included the draft Law

At the plenary session Majilis included the law “On ratification of the Convention for the Protection of Wages (No. 95),” into the scope of work, as the press service of the Majilis of Kazakhstan reports. Source: [url][/url]. The purpose of the Convention is timely payment of wages in cash by employers. It is forbidden to… Read More

Convention 26 was included into the scope of work by Majilis

At the plenary session, chaired by House Speaker, Nurlan Nigmatulin, Majilis included the Law “On ratification of the Convention on the establishment of procedures for determination of the minimum wage (No. 26)”. Source : [url][/url]. The purpose of the Convention is to ensure the rights of the state to apply the procedures

The government will soon finalize negotiations on Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO

Kazakhstan is not going to refuse from its questions, interests. Source: Web-site of Astana telechannel. Negotiation process on Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO will be completed only if the interests of the countries of the World Trade Organization will satisfy not only the position of Kazakhstan, but also the functioning under WTO Customs Union, TV… Read More

Taxes must be comfortable for the economy and businesses, and not for the officials – A. Peruashev

Akzhol members intend to insist on fiscal support for industrial and high-tech industries, including – through the introduction of differentiated industry VAT rates.  Source: [url][/url]. Taxes must be comfortable for the economy and businesses, and not for the officials, Azat Peruashev said at a briefing held in Service of central

Majilis has included the Bill on the state audit and financial control into the scope of work

Today, at the plenary meeting, chaired by the Speaker of the Chamber, Niurlan Nigmatullin has included into the scope of work the Bill on “On the statement audit and financial control” amended. Source: It provides for the application of international principles and audit requirements of the Lima Declaration and international standards

Ak Zhol demands to return the bill on the bankruptcy in order to improve it

The bill “On the Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy” should be returned for revision in accordance with the instructions of the President and included proposals of faction on the bankruptcy of individuals and SMEs – this was stated by Almas Turtaev at the plenary session of the Majilis. Source: [url][/url]. The Ak Zhol’s requests  addressed to the… Read More

Procedure for attraction of foreign specialists to the sphere of innovations will be simplified in Kazakhstan

ASTANA, 22 January — International News Agency Novosty-Kazakhstan. Deputies of Majilis (lower chamber) of the RoK Parliament have approved a bill “On the innovative cluster “Complex of innovative technologies” in the first reading, the agency correspondent reports.   According to the conclusion of Majilis Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development, the draft law is aimed