Using data from the search system Google,   Huffingtonpost has found out what people think of this or that country. Source: IA

The authors entered into the search box the word “why” and added the name of the country, when analyzing requests of Internet users from around the world and Google automatically showed the most popular request. As it is noted by   [url][/url], the most popular question about Kazakhstan is – “Why the territory of Kazakhstan is so huge?” And about Spain – “Why is it so sparsely populated? “So you can find out their opinion about this or that country.

Map shows that the most popular questions in the Internet about Asia – about the population, wealth and pollution. Mongolia is considered small, and China – contaminated.

Characteristics of Europe are more diverse. France is seen as “gay” or homosexual, and Italy – a racist and Lithuania – suicide.

Photo from web-site: [url][/url].

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