The Ministry is elaborating the complex plan of metallurgical enterprises support, which will help them to be competitive and ensure working places. Source: 

The Ministry of Industry and New Technologies (MINT) is elaborating the complex plan of the Kazakhstan metallurgical enterprises support under conditions of the world falling-off in production in mining-and-metallurgical industry, Asset Issekeshev, the minister of industry and new technologies said today at the collegiums of the agency, where  Serik Akhmetov, the RoK Prime Minister took participial, as an official web- site of the RoK Prime Minister informs.  

Under conditions of the world falling-off in production in mining-and-metallurgical industry, which have been lasting over two years, the ministry is elaborating the complex plan of metallurgical enterprises support, which will help them to be competitive and ensure working places, A. Issekeshev said. 

According to the information of the minister, based on results of 2014, our forecast is that an Index of Physical Volume is at the level of 94 % due to reduction in copper ore and bauxite ore mining and the production of precious base metal is at the level of 90%.



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