for legal entities, other than agricultural producers.


  1. TAXES:

1.1.  SB – Subscription bonus;

1.2.   LT – Land Tax;

1.3.  PIT – Personal income tax;

1.4.  CIT – Corporate Income Tax;

1.5.  MET – Minerals Extraction Tax;

1.6.  ATSU – Alternative Tax on Subsurface Use;

1.7.  VAT – Value-Added Tax;

1.8.  PT – Property Tax;

1.9.  TGB – tax on gaming business;

1.10.  EPT – excess profits tax;

1.11.  TTV – tax on transport vehicles;

1.12.  RTE – rental tax on export

1.13.  ST – Social Tax;


2.1.  LUL – Levy for the Use of the License to engage in certain activities;

2.2.  OPC – obligatory pension charges;

2.3.  PRHC – payments to recover historic costs;

2.4.  LUWR – Levy for the use of water resources from surface sources;

2.5.  LULP – Levy for the use of land parcels;

2.6.  LLDITC – Levy for the provision of long-distance and (or) international telephone communication, as well as cellular communication;

2.7. LPOA – Levy for the placement of outdoor/visual advertisements;

2.8.  LDE – Levy for Discharges to the Environment;

2.9.  LRFS – Levy for the use of radio frequency spectrum;

2.10.  SA – social assessments;

2.11.  OSMI – obligatory social medical insurance;

2.12.  LUF – Levy for the use of forests;

2.13.  OPPC – obligatory professional pension charges;

2.14.  LUNW – Levy for the use of navigable waterways;

2.15.  RLC – Register of lease contracts

  1. LAWS:

3.1 TC –  Code of the RoK “On Taxes and Other Obligatory Payments to the Budget” (Tax Code) #120-VI ZRK dated 25 December 2017 as amended at 1 January 2020.

3.2.  Law on pensions – RoK Law “On Provision of Pensions in the RoK” No 136-I dated 20 June 1997;

3.3.  OSI Law – RoK Law “On obligatory social insurance” #405-II dated 25 April 2003.

3.4. OSMI Law – RoK Law “On Obligatory Social Medical Insurance” # 405-V dated 16.11.2015.


4.1.  RAW – Rules for the Assessment and Withholding/accrual and transfer of OPC and OPPC to the National Pension Fund No 1116 dated 18 October 2013;

4.2.  RSA – Rules for the calculation and transfer of Social Assessments No 683 dated  21 June 2004.


5.1.  D – declaration;

5.2. AP – additional payment;

5.3. A – applications;

5.4. IE – individual entrepreneur;

5.5. MRI – monthly reference index;

5.6. S – statement;

5.7. RoK – Republic of Kazakhstan;

5.8. CU – Customs Union;

5.9.  EAEU – Euro-Asian Economic Union.

Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 November 2019 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 CIT S of the sum of CIT advance payments  for 2019 to be paid for the period before the submission of CIT declaration, Form 101.01 2020 sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 305 TC
20 VAT and Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 December 2019 p.2 Article 456, p. 4                 Article 478 TC
20 VAT and Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 December 2019 p.2 Article 456, p. 4                 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments of LULP (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in December 2019), Form 851.00 2019 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D on LDE Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI for year 2019, if the environmental permit was obtained in December 2019) 2019 p. 3 Article 579 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in December 2019 December 2019 p. 3 Article 365 TC
15 LUF Levy for forest use, standing timber 4 quarter 2019 sub-p. 3 p. 3 Article 588 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU December 2019 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states December 2019 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE LDE, redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI, if the permit was obtained in December 2019 2019 p. 3 Article 577 TC
20 LUF LUF in case of long-term forest use 4 quarter 2019 sub-p. 1 p. 3 Article 588 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons December 2019 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
27 CIT advance payments (monthly) January 2019 p. 2 Article 306 TC
27 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in December 2019 December 2019 p. 1 Article 311 TC
27 PIT PIT at source from income paid in December 2019; December 2019 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 PIT – from income of non-resident individuals from capital gain from sources in the RoK December 2019 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
27 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income of non-resident legal entities accrued in December 2019, (paid and within amounts of advances paid), non-residents’ income from sources in the RoK from capital gains; December 2019 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
27 ST ST December 2019 p. 1 Article 487 TC
27 LULP LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in December 2019 December 2019 p. 5 Article 564 TC
27 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in December 2019 December 2019 p. 6 Article 564 TC
27 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in December 2019 for 2019 p. 5 Article 596 TC
27 LPOA LPOA January 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
27 OPC OPC December 2019 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OPPC OPPC December 2019 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 SA SA December 2019 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) December 2019 sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
14 Subscription bonus D on signature bonus, Form 510.00 4 quarter 2019 Article 730 of Tax code
17 CIT S of CIT withheld at source (Form 101.03, 101.04) 4 quarter 2019 Article 312 TC, p. 13, 14 Article 650 TC
17 PIT and ST PIT and ST Form 200.00 4 quarter 2019 p. 1. Article 355, p. 1 Article 489, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, Article 657, p. 2 Article 680 TC
17 VAT D on VAT (Form 300.00) 4 quarter 2019 p. 1, 2 Article 424 TC
17 Excise D on Excise and S for structural units, Forms 400.00, 421.00 December 2019 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
17 Royalty, Mining bonus D on royalty, mining bonus, share of the RoK on production sharing,
on the additional payment of subsurface users carrying out activity under the production sharing agreement (Form 500.00)
4 quarter 2019 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules 500.00,
17 D (S) on fulfillment of the tax liability D (S) on fulfilment of the tax liability in kind (Form 531.00): subsurface users submit D by Annex 531.01, recipients on behalf of the state submit S of current payments by Annexes 531.02, 531.03 4 quarter 2019 p. 5 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC, subp.1 p. 6 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC
17 PRHC D on payment to recover historic costs for 4 quarter 2019 (Form 560.00), if the sum of the payment to recover historic costs exceeds 10,000 MRI 4 quarter 2019 p. 2 Article 735 TC
17 RTE D on RTE, Form 570.00 4 quarter 2019 Article 719 of Tax code
17 MET D on MET Form 590.00 4 quarter 2019 Article 751 of Tax code
17 LT and PT S of current payments (Form 701.01): on tax liabilities assessed as at 1 January 2020, if tax liabilities arise or change from 1 January to 15 February 2020 for 2020 p. 1 Article 516, p. 1 Article 525 TC; p. 2 Article 516, p. 2 Article 525 TC
17 TGB D on TGB (Form 710.00) 4 quarter 2019 Article 541 of Tax code
17 LUWR D on LUWR, Form 860.00 4 quarter 2019 p. 2 Article 572 TC
17 LDE D on LDE, Form 870.00 (on the volume of discharges for payers with total annual payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI) for mobile sources of pollution) 4 quarter 2019 p. 2 Article 579 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 January 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 January 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments of the Levy for the use of land plots (Form 851.00): for 2020 on land plots available at the beginning of the reporting tax period, and if the contract for temporary paid land use was concluded or the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals was obtained during the period from 1 January to 20 February 2020 for 2020 p. 2 Article 565 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in January 2020 January 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU January 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states January 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p.3 Article 480 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons January 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments (monthly) February 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in January 2020 January 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT at source from income paid in January 2020; January 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT – from income of non-resident individuals from capital gain from sources in the RoK January 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT Withheld at source from income January 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 VAT VAT 4 quarter 2019 sub-p. 1 Article 425 TC
25 RTE RTE 4 quarter 2019 Article 718, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 PRHC PRHC, if the payment exceeds 10,000 MRI 4 quarter 2019 sub-p. 2 p. 1 Article 734 TC
25 MET MET 4 quarter 2019 Article 750, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 Royalty, Mining bonus Royalty, mining bonus, share of the RoK on production sharing arrangement, additional payment of a subsurface user performing operations under a production sharing contract for 4 quarter of 2019 4 quarter 2019 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
25 On fulfilment of the tax liability Current payments against payment of taxes in kind 4 quarter 2019 p. 7 Article 772 TC
25 ST ST January 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LT current payment due not later than 25 February 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 512 TC
25 PT current payment due not later than 25 February 2020 for 2020 p. 7 Article 522 TC
25 TGB TGB 4 quarter 2019 Article 542 of Tax code
25 LULP – current payment due not later than 25 February 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots which are obtained for paid land use and are not used in entrepreneurial activity in cases when the land plot was held on the right of primary paid land use at the date of commencement of the tax period, or the contract for temporary paid land use was concluded during a period from 1 January to 25 February 2020 inclusive; for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in January 2020; for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – annual payment of subsurface users if the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals is valid as of 1 January 2020 and until the end of 2020, or if the license is obtained before 1 February 2020 inclusive; for 2020 p. 9 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – sum of the fee for the actual effective period of the license if it is known on 1 February that it expires in 2020 for 2020 p. 10 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – the sum of the subsurface users’ fee for the actual effective period of the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals, in case it expires in the 4th quarter of 2019 for 2020 p. 12 Article 564 TC
25 LUWR LUWR 4 quarter 2019 p. 3 Article 570 TC
25 LDE current payment on pollutin objects for payers with annual total payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI, for mobile pollution sources 4 quarter 2019 p. 5 Article 577 TC
25 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in January 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
25 LPOA LPOA February 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC January 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC January 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA January 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) January 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
16 Excise D on Excise and S for structural units, Forms 400.00, 421.00 January 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 February 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 February 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained during the period between 20 and 28 February 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was issued not later than 20 March 2020)  for year 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
31 CIT D forms 100.00, 110.00, 150.00  for 2019 p. 1 Article 315, Article 649, p. 12 Article 650, Article 701 TC
31 PIT D Forms 220.00, 230.00, 240.00  for 2019 Article 364, p. 12 Article 650, Article 659, Article 701 TC
31 CIT S. on CIT withheld at source from non-resident’s income, Form 101.04 4 quarter 2019 sub-p. 2 Article 648, p.12 Article 650 TC
31 TTV, LT, PT D Form 700.00  for 2019 Article 496, p. 3 Article 516, p.3 Article 525, Article 530 TC
31 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability D (S) Form 531.00, recipients on behalf of the State submit the declaration by Annexes 531.02, 531.03  for 2019 sub-p. 2 p. 6 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC
31 EPT D Form 540.00  for 2019 Article 765 of Tax code
31 PRHC D Form 560.00, if the sum of the payment to recover historic costs is equal to or less than 10,000 MRI  for 2019 p. 1 Article 735 TC
31 ATSU D Form 600.00  for 2019 Article 771 of Tax code
31 RLC Register Form 871.00  for 2019 p. 3 Article 207 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in February 2020 February 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU February 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states February 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE Redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments up to 100 MRI (if the permit was issued not later than 20th March) for the year 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
26 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons February 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
26 CIT advance payments (monthly) March 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
26 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in February 2020 February 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
26 PIT PIT at source from income paid in February 2020; February 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 PIT – from income of non-resident individuals from capital gain from sources in the RoK February 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
26 CIT Withheld at source from income February 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
26 ST ST February 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
26 LRFS current payment due not later than 25 March 2020 to be paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and are not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if the permission was obtained in February 2020 for the year 2020 p. 4 Article 596 TC, p. 5 Article 596 TC
26 LLDITC Levy for providing intercity and (or) international telephone communication, as well as cellular communication, current payment due not later than 25 March 2020 for the year 2020 p. 4 Article 602 TC
26 LUL Levy for the use of a license to engage in certain types of activities (gaming business, storage and sale of alcoholic products) obtained in 2019 and/or earlier, due not later than 25 March 2020 for the year 2020 p. 1 Article 558 TC
26 LULP by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded from 26 to 28 February 2020, if the temporary paid land use contract expired or was terminated in February 2020 for the year 2020 p. 5.6 Article 564 TC
26 LPOA LPOA March 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
26 OPC OPC February 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 OPPC OPPC February 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689,         p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 SA SA February 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) February 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC











Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D and S for structural units or items related to taxation (Forms 400.00, 421.00) February 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 CIT S of the sum of advance payments to be paid for the period after submission of the CIT declaration, for 2-4 quarters of 2020, Form 101.02 (no later than 20th April of 2020 reporting tax period) for 2-4 quarters of 2020 sub-p. 2 p. 6 Article 305 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 March 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 March 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in March 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained during the period from 21 to 31 March 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
6 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in March 2020 March 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
10 CIT CIT, final payment on the declaration for 2019 p. 3 Article 306, p. 12 Article 650, p. 3 Article 652, p. 2 Article 696 TC
10 PIT PIT, final settlement on the declaration in respect of income of individuals (residents, non-residents) not levied at the source of payment for 2019 p. 8 Article 360, p. 1 Article 362, p. 12 Article 650, p. 3, 5 Article 658, p. 2 Article 696 TC
10 CIT CIT at the source of payment withheld from income of non-resident legal entities in respect of assessed but not paid income amounts when they are referred to deductions in 2019, and when such income is paid upon expiry of 2019 for 2019 sub-p. 2 p. 1, p. 2 Article 647 TC
10 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability Payment by the recipient, on behalf of the Government, of funds received from the sale of minerals transferred by the subsurface user during the year 2019 towards the fulfilment of his tax obligation in kind, according to the declaration for 2019 p. 8 Article 772 TC
10 PRHC PRHC, if the payment is equal to or less than 10,000 MRI for 2019 sub-p. 1 p. 1 Article 734 TC
10 EPT EPT for 2019 Article 764 of Tax code
10 ATSU ATSU for 2019 Article 770 of Tax code
10 TTV TTV on 2019 declaration and liabilities occurred after 1 July 2019 for 2019 p.2 Article 494 TC
10 LT final payment on 2019 declaration for 2019 p. 8,9 Article 512, p. 4 Article 514 TC
10 PT final payment on 2019 declaration for 2019 p. 11, 12 Article 522, Article 530 TC
15 LUF Levy for forest use, standing timber 1 quarter 2020 sub-p. 3 p. 3 Article 588 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU March 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states March 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE LDE: redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI (if the permit was obtained from 21 to 31 March 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
20 LUF Levy for the use of forests in case of long-term forest use 1 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 p. 3 Article 588 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons March 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
27 CIT advance payments (monthly) April 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
27 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in March 2020 March 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
27 PIT – from income paid in March 2020; March 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 PIT – from income of non-resident individuals from capital gain from sources in the RoK March 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
27 CIT Withheld at source from income March 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
27 ST ST March 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
27 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in March 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
27 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in March 2020 for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
27 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in March 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
27 LPOA LPOA April 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
27 OPC OPC March 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OPPC OPPC March 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 SA SA March 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) March 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
14 Subscription bonus D on signature bonus, Form 510.00 1 quarter 2020 Article 730 of Tax code
15 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from resident’s income, Form 101.03 1 quarter 2020 Article 312 of Tax code
15 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from resident’s income, Form 101.04 1 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 648, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650 TC
15 PIT, ST D Form 200.00 1 quarter 2020 p. 1. Article 355, p. 1 Article 489, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, Article 657, p. 2 Article 680 TC
15 VAT D on VAT (Form 300.00) 1 quarter 2020 p. 1, 2 Article 424 TC
15 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 March 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
15 Royalty, Mining bonus D on the share of the RoK on production sharing, on the additional payment of subsurface users carrying out activity under the production sharing agreement (Form 500.00) 1 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
15 fulfilment of the tax liability D (S) on fulfilment of the tax liability in kind (Form 531.00): subsurface users submit D by Annex 531.01, recipients on behalf of the state submit S of current payments by Annexes 531.02, 531.03 1 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC, sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC
15 PRHC D Form 560.00, if the sum of the payment to recover historic costs exceeds 10,000 MRI 1 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 735 TC
15 RTE D Form 570.00 1 quarter 2020 Article 719 of Tax code
15 MET D Form 590.00 1 quarter 2020 Article 751 of Tax code
15 LT, PT S of current payments, Form 701.01 if tax liabilities arise or change from 16 February to 15 May 2020 for 2020 p. 2 Article 516, p. 2 Article 525 TC
15 TGB D Form 710.00 1 quarter 2020 Article 541 of Tax code
15 LUWR D Form 860.00 1 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 572 TC
15 LDE D Form 870.00 (on pollution objects for payers with total annual payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI) for mobile sources of pollution) 1 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 579 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 April 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 April 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of amounts (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in April 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained in April 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in April 2020 April 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU April 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states April 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE Levy for discharges to the environment, redemption of the standard limit for total annual payment up to 100 MRI (if the permit was obtained in April 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
25 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons April 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments May 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in April 2020 April 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT – from income paid in April 2020; April 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT – from income of non-resident individuals from capital gain from sources in the RoK April 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income of non-resident legal entities accrued in April 2020, (paid and within amounts of advances paid), non-residents’ income from sources in the RoK from capital gains April 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 VAT VAT 1 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 425 TC
25 RTE RTE 1 quarter 2020 Article 718, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 PRHC Levy to recover historic costs if the sum of payment exceeds 10 000 MRI 1 quarter 2020 sub-p. 2 p. 1 Article 734 TC
25 MET Minerals Extraction Tax for 1 quarter of 2020; 1 quarter 2020 Article 750, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 Royalty, Mining bonus Share of the RoK on production sharing arrangement, additional payment of a subsurface user performing operations under a production sharing contract 1 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
25 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability Current payments against payment of taxes in kind 1 quarter 2020 p. 7 Article 772 TC
25 ST ST April 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LT current payment due not later than 25 May 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 512 TC
25 PT current payment due not later than 25 May 2020 for 2020 p. 7 Article 522 TC
25 TGB Tax on gaming business 1 quarter 2020 Article 542 of Tax code
25 LULP – current payment due not later than 25 May 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in April 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in April 2020 for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – the amount of payment of subsurface users for the actual effective period of the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals if its period expired in the 1st quarter of 2020 and after the 1st of February for 2020 p. 12 Article 564 TC
25 LUWR current payment 1 quarter 2020 p. 3 Article 570 TC
25 LDE current payment on pollution objects for payers with annual total payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI, for mobile pollution sources 1 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 577 TC
25 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in April 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
25 LPOA Levy for the placement of outdoor (visual) advertising for May 2020 May 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC April 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC April 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA April 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) April 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 April 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
22 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 May 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
22 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 May 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
22 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in May 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
22 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI, if the environmental permit was obtained in May 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in May 2020 May 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
22 VAT VAT in EAEU May 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
22 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states May 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
22 LDE Redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI, if the permit was obtained in May 2020 for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons May 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments June  2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in May 2020 May 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in May 2020; May 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK May 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income of non-resident legal entities accrued in May 2020,  – paid an within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains May 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 ST ST May 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LRFS current payment due not later than 25 June 2020 to be paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and are not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if the permission was obtained in May 2020 for 2020 p. 4.5 Article 596 TC
25 LLDITC Levy for providing intercity and (or) international telephone communication, as well as cellular communication, current payment due not later than 25 June 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 602 TC
25 LUL Levy for the use of a license to engage in certain types of activities (gaming business, storage and sale of alcoholic products) obtained in 2019 and/or earlier, due not later than 25 June 2020 for 2020 p. 1 Article 558 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in May 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in May 2020 for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LPOA LPOA June  2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC May 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC May 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA May 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) May 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC








Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
7 TTV S of current payments Form 701.00 for 2020 p.1 Article 496 TC
15 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 May 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 June  2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 June  2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in June 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D on the Levy for discharges to environment, Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained in June 2020) for year 2020 for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
7 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in June 2020 June  2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
7 TTV current payment for the year 2020 p. 1 Article 494 TC
15 LUF Levy for forest use, standing timber 2 quarter 2020 sub-p. 3 p. 3 Article 588 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU June  2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states June  2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI, if the permit was issued in June 2020 for year 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
20 LUF Levy for the use of forests in case of long-term forest use 2 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 p. 3 Article 588 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons June  2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
27 CIT advance payments July 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
27 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in June 2020 June  2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
27 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in June 2020; June  2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK June  2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
27 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income of non-resident legal entities accrued in June 2020:   paid and within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains June  2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
27 ST ST June  2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
27 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in June 2020 for year 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
27 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in June 2020 for year 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
27 LRFS Levy for the use of radio frequency spectrum paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and are not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in June 2020 for year 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
27 LPOA LPOA July 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
27 OPC OPC June  2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OPPC OPPC June  2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 SA SA June  2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
27 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) June  2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
14 Subscription bonus D Form 510.00 2 quarter 2020 Article 730 of Tax code
17 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from resident’s income, Form 101.03 2 quarter 2020 Article 312 of Tax code
17 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from non-resident’s income, Form 101.04 2 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 648, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650 TC
17 VAT D Form 300.00 2 quarter 2020 p. 1, 2 Article 424 TC
17 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 June  2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
17 Royalty, Mining bonus D on the Share of the RoK on production sharing, on the additional payment of subsurface users carrying out activity under the production sharing agreement (Form 500.00) 2 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
17 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability D (S) on fulfilment of the tax liability in kind (Form 531.00): subsurface users submit D by Annex 531.01, recipients on behalf of the state submit S of current payments by Annexes 531.02, 531.03 2 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC, sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC
17 PRHC D Form 560.00, if the sum of the payment to recover historic costs exceeds 10,000 MRI 2 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 735 TC
17 RTE D Form 570.00 2 quarter 2020 Article 719 of Tax code
17 MET D Form 590.00 2 quarter 2020 Article 751 of Tax code
17 LT, PT S of current payments, Form 701.01 if tax liabilities arise or change from 16 May to 15 August 2020 for 2020 p. 2 Article 516, p. 2 Article 525 TC
17 TGB D Form 710.00 2 quarter 2020 Article 541 of Tax code
17 LUWR D Form 860.00 2 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 572 TC
17 LDE D Form 870.00 (on pollution objects for payers with total annual payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI) for mobile sources of pollution) 2 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 579 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 July 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 July 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in July 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI, if the environmental permit was obtained in July 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in July 2020 July 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU July 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states July 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI (if the permit was issued in July 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons July 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments August 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in July 2020 July 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in July 2020; July 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK July 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income accrued in July 2020: income of non-resident legal entities – paid and within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains July 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 VAT VAT 2 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 425 TC
25 RTE RTE 2 quarter 2020 Article 718, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 PRHC if the payment exceeds 10,000 MRI 2 quarter 2020 sub-p. 2 p. 1 Article 734 TC
25 MET MET 2 quarter 2020 Article 750, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 Royalty, Mining bonus Share of the RoK on production sharing arrangement, additional payment of a subsurface user performing operations under a production sharing contract 2 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
25 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability Current payments against payment of taxes in kind 2 quarter 2020 p. 7 Article 772 TC
25 ST ST July 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LT current payment due not later than 25 August 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 512 TC
25 PT current payment due not later than 25 August 2020 for 2020 p. 7 Article 522 TC
25 TGB Tax 2 quarter 2020 Article 542 of Tax code
25 LULP – current payment due not later than 25 August 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 564 TC
25 LULP by an individual in respect of land plots obtained for paid land use and which

are not used in entrepreneurial activity if the contract for temporary paid land use was concluded in July 2020

for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in July 2020; for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – the sum of the subsurface users’ fee for the actual effective period of the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals, in case it expires in the 2nd quarter of 2020; for 2020 p. 12 Article 564 TC
25 LUWR current payment 2 quarter 2020 p. 3 Article 570 TC
25 LDE current payment on pollution objects for payers with annual total payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI, for mobile pollution sources 2 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 577 TC
25 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in July 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
25 LPOA LPOA August 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC July 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC July 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA July 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) July 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D and S for structural units or items related to taxation (Forms 400.00, 421.00) July 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
21 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 August 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
21 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 August 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
21 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in August 2020), Form 851.00 for year 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
21 LDE D on the Levy for discharges to environment, Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained in August 2020) for year 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
7 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in August 2020 August 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
21 VAT VAT in EAEU August 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
21 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states August 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
21 LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI, if the permit was issued in August 2020  for year 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons August 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments September 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in August 2020 August 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in August 2020; August 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK August 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income accrued in August 2020: income of non-resident legal entities – paid and within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains August 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 ST ST August 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LRFS current payment due not later than 25 September 2019 to be paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and are not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if the permission was obtained in August 2020 for 2020 p. 4.5 Article 596 TC
25 LLDITC current payment due not later than 25 September 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 602 TC
25 LUL LUL to engage in certain types of activities (gaming business, storage and sale of alcoholic products) obtained in 2019 and/or earlier, due not later than 25 September 2020 for 2020 p. 1 Article 558 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in August 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in August 2020 for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LPOA LPOA September 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC August 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC August 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA August 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI August 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 August 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 September 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 September 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in September 2020), Form 851.00 for year 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D on the Levy for discharges to environment, Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained in September 2020) for year 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC


5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in September 2020 September 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
15 LUF LUF on standing timber for 3 quarter of 2020 3 quarter 2020 sub-p. 3 p. 3 Article 588 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU September 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states September 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI (if the permit was issued in September 2020) for year 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
20 LUF LUF in case of long-term forest use for 3 quarter of 2020 3 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 p. 3 Article 588 TC
26 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons September 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
26 CIT advance payments October 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
26 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in September 2020 September 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
26 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in September 2020; September 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK September 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
26 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income accrued in September 2020: income of non-resident legal entities – paid and within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains September 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
26 ST ST September 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
26 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in September 2020 for the year 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
26 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in September 2020 for year 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
26 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in September 2020 for year 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
26 LPOA LPOA October 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
26 OPC OPC September 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 OPPC OPPC September 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 SA SA September 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
26 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) September 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
16 Subscription bonus D Form 510.00 3 quarter 2020 Article 730 of Tax code
16 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from resident’s income, Form 101.03 3 quarter 2020 Article 312 of Tax code
16 CIT S on CIT withheld at source from non-resident’s income, Form 101.04 3 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 648, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650 TC
16 PIT, ST D Form 200.00 3 quarter 2020 p. 1. Article 355, p. 1 Article 489, p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, Article 657, p. 2 Article 680 TC
16 VAT D Form 300.00 3 quarter 2020 p. 1, 2 Article 424 TC
16 Excise D on excise and S for structural units or items related to taxation, Forms 400.00, 421.00 September 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
16 Royalty, Mining bonus D on Royalty, Mining Bonus, Share of the RoK on production sharing, on the additional payment of subsurface users carrying out activity under the production sharing agreement (Form 500.00) 3 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
16 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability D (S) on fulfilment of the tax liability in kind (Form 531.00): subsurface users submit D by Annex 531.01, recipients on behalf of the state submit S of current payments by Annexes 531.02, 531.03 3 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC, sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 772, p. 8 Article 773 TC
16 PRHC D Form 560.00, if the sum of the payment to recover historic costs exceeds 10,000 MRI 3 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 735 TC
16 RTE D Form 570.00 3 quarter 2020 Article 719 of Tax code
16 MET D Form 590.00 3 quarter 2020 Article 751 of Tax code
16 LT, PT S of current payments, Form 701.01 if tax liabilities arise or change from 16 August to 15 November 2020 for 2020 p. 2 Article 516, p. 2 Article 525 TC
16 TGB D Form 710.00 3 quarter 2020 Article 541 of Tax code
16 LUWR D Form 860.00 3 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 572 TC
16 LDE D Form 870.00 (on pollution objects for payers with total annual payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI) for mobile sources of pollution) 3 quarter 2020 p. 2 Article 579 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 October 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 October 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in October 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI for year 2020, if the environmental permit was obtained in October 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
5 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in October 2019 October 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU October 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
20 Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states October 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
20 LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI, if the permit was issued in October 2020 for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons October 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments November 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in October 2020 October 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in October 2020 October 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK October 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income of non-resident legal entities accrued in October 2020, (paid and within amounts of advances paid), non-residents’ income from sources in the Republic of Kazakhstan from capital gains; October 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 VAT VAT 3 quarter 2020 sub-p. 1 Article 425 TC
25 RTE RTE 3 quarter 2020 Article 718, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 PRHC Levy to recover historic costs if the sum of payment exceeds 10 000 MRI 3 quarter 2020 sub-p. 2 p. 1 Article 734 TC
25 MET MET 3 quarter 2020 Article 750, p. 6 Article 773 TC
25 Royalty, Mining bonus Royalty, mining bonus, Share of the RoK on production sharing arrangement, additional payment of a subsurface user performing operations under a production sharing contract 3 quarter 2020 Article 722 TC, p. 1 TRF Rules Form 500.00
25 Fulfilment of the Tax Liability Current payments against payment of taxes in kind 3 quarter 2020 p. 7 Article 772 TC
25 ST ST October 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LT current payment due not later than 25 November 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 512 TC
25 PT current payment due not later than 25 November 2020 for 2020 p. 7 Article 522 TC
25 TGB Tax 3 quarter 2020 Article 542 of Tax code
25 LULP – current payment due not later than 25 November 2020 for 2020 p. 4 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in October 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in October 2020; for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – the sum of the subsurface users’ fee for the actual effective period of the license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals, in case it expires in the 3rd quarter of 2020; for 2020 p. 12 Article 564 TC
25 LUWR current payment 3 quarter 2020 p. 3 Article 570 TC
25 LDE current payment on pollution objects for payers with annual total payments equal to or exceeding 100 MRI, for mobile pollution sources 3 quarter 2020 p. 5 Article 577 TC
25 LRFS Levy paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if a permission was obtained in October 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 596 TC
25 LPOA LPOA November 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC October 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC October 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA October 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI October 2020 sub-p. 1 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC


Date Description Note Period Legal justification of the report or payment
15 Excise D and S for structural units or items related to taxation (Forms 400.00, 421.00) October 2020 p. 2, 3 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise D on indirect taxes on imported goods, Form 320.00 November 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 VAT, Excise A. for import of goods and payment of indirect taxes, Form 328.00 November 2020 p. 2 Article 456, p. 4 Article 478 TC
20 LULP S of current payments (if the agreement for temporary paid land use was concluded or license for exploration and extraction of solid minerals was obtained in September 2020), Form 851.00 for 2020 p. 3 Article 565 TC
20 LDE D on the Levy for discharges to environment, Form 870.00 (for payers with total annual payments up to 100 MRI) if the environmental permit was obtained in November 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 579 TC
31 CIT The latest day for submitting the supplemental Statement of advance payments Form 101.02 (no later than 31 December of the reporting tax period) for 2020 p. 7 Article 305 TC
7 PIT PIT on income of persons engaged in private practice (private notaries, private bailiffs, lawyers, professional mediators) received in November 2020 November 2020 p. 3 Article 365 TC
20 VAT VAT in EAEU November 2020 p. 5 Article 456 TC
Excise Excise tax, in particular on goods imported from EAEU member states November 2020 p. 1 Article 475, p. 3 Article 480 TC
LDE redemption of the standard limit for total annual payments less than 100 MRI (if the permit was issued in November 2020) for 2020 p. 3 Article 577 TC
24 PIT PIT on income of non-resident individuals, foreigners or stateless persons November 2020 p. 5,7 Article 655, p. 5 Article 656 TC
25 CIT advance payments December 2020 p. 2 Article 306 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at source from income paid in November 2020 November 2020 p. 1 Article 311 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from income paid in November 2020; November 2020 p. 3 Article 351, p. 2 Article 680, 689 p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 PIT PIT withheld at source from capital gain income of non-resident individuals from sources in the RoK November 2020 p. 12, 13, 14 Article 650, p. 2 Article 655 TC
25 CIT CIT withheld at the source of payment on income accrued in November 2020: income of non-resident legal entities – paid and within amounts of advances paid, non-residents’ income from RoK sources from capital gains November 2020 sub-p. 1, 3 p. 1 Article 647 TC, p. 12,13,14 Article 650 TC
25 ST ST November 2020 p. 1 Article 487 TC
25 LRFS current payment due not later than 25 December 2020 to be paid by foreigners, stateless persons and non-resident legal entities that do not carry out any activities in the RoK and are not registered as taxpayers of the RoK, if the permission was obtained in November 2020 for 2020 p. 4, 5 Article 596 TC
25 LLDITC Levy for providing intercity and (or) international telephone communication, as well as cellular communication, current payment due not later than 25 December 2020; for 2020 p. 4 Article 602 TC
25 LUL Levy for the use of a license to engage in certain types of activities (gaming business, storage and sale of alcoholic products) obtained in 2019 and/or earlier, due not later than 25 December 2020 for 2020 p. 1 Article 558 TC
25 LULP – by an individual for land plots received for paid land use and not used in entrepreneurial activities, in the event that a temporary paid land use contract was concluded in November 2020 for 2020 p. 5 Article 564 TC
25 LULP – if the temporary paid land use contract expires or is terminated in November 2020 for 2020 p. 6 Article 564 TC
25 LPOA LPOA December 2020 p. 2 Article 606 TC
25 OPC OPC November 2020 sub-p. 1, 2-4, 7, 8 p. 9 Law on Pensions, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OPPC OPPC November 2020 p.50 RAW, Article 689,         p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 SA SA November 2020 p. 7 RSA, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
25 OSMI OSMI (assessments and charges) November 2020 p. 6 Article 30 OSMI Law, Article 689, p. 2 Article 705 TC
  1. According to provisions of paragraph 9 of Article 208 of the TC, in the absence of taxable items, tax reports shall not be submitted on the following payments to the budget.

1.1. Property tax;

1.2. Land tax;

1.3. Tax on transport vehicles;

1.4. Rental tax on export;

1.5. Subscription bonus;

1.6. payment to recover historic costs;

1.7. budget payments.

With respect to special payments and taxes of subsurface users that are not specified in paragraph 9 of Article 208 of the Tax code, tax reporting shall be submitted by the subsurface user as per the relevant subsurface use contract.

The obligation to submit tax reports on excise taxes applies to taxpayers (tax agents) engaged in the following activities:

production of petrol (except for aviation fuel), diesel fuel;

whole-sale and (or) retail trade in petrol (except for aviation fuel), diesel fuel;

production of ethyl alcohol and (or) alcohol products;

manufacture of tobacco items;

production, assembly of excisable goods provided for by subparagraph 6) of Article 462 of the Tax Code.

The obligation to submit tax reports on excise taxes applies to taxpayers (tax agents) who are performing taxable operations related to crude oil, gas condensate (except for crude oil, gas condensate sold for export).

The obligation to submit tax reports on excise taxes shall not apply to taxpayers (tax agents) engaged in the wholesale trade in tobacco products, products with heated tobacco, nicotine-containing liquids to be used in electronic cigarettes.

Supplements to declarations, assessments shall not be presented where information to be presented in them is not available.

  1. Although amendments may be introduced to the legislative acts of the RoK during the tax period, we tried to take into account all types of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget; however, certain types of budget payments might have been omitted in the table above.


If you have any questions, please contact MinTax Group using the contact details indicated on our website.