Ruslan Faskhutdinov

Head of Information Technologies Department
From 1994 - work experience in the sphere of information technologies. From 1994 to 1998 - development and implementation of applied software in the sphere of systems of automated designing of the Atyrau Oil-Processing Plant. In 1997-1998 – teacher, CAD System Disciplines in the "Cazpiimunaigaz" Research and Design Institute. From 1998 to 2001 – Head, Technical Sector, Computer Center of the Central Clinical Hospital, Medical Center of the RoK President’s Affairs Management. Directly participates in elaboration and implementation of monitoring and controlling systems of computer network as well as organization and holding of teleconferences.
From 2001 – member of our team. Ruslan is in charge of administrating the local network, information security, and providing IT services to our customers. Author’spublications.