We would like to remind you that deadlines for the payment of below listed taxes and payments expire in July 2021 on the following dates:
07 July 2021:
- PIT[1] of persons engaged in private practice;
- Current payment of the Vehicle tax;
21 July 2021:
- Excise + excise for structural units;
- Amounts of indirect taxes on imported goods within EAEU[2];
26 July 2021:
- PIT at the source of payment, Social tax, social assessments, OPC[3], OPPC[4], OSMI[5] charges, OPC under CL[6] contracts;
- Advance payment of CIT[7] for July 2021;
- CIT at the source of payment;
- Levy for the placement of outdoor (visual) advertising.
[1] Personal income tax.
[2] Eurasian Economic Union.
[3] Obligatory pension charges.
[4] Obligatory professional pension charges.
[5] Obligatory social medical insurance.
[6] Civil-legal.
[7] Corporate income tax.