In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of MinTax Group, together with the Chamber of Tax Advisers of Kazakhstan, and, under informational support of the UKTS  Finance & Insurance, on 18 and 20 November 2009, the seminars were held on the topic “Taxes, Audit and Finance in the Republic of Kazakhstan” in Atyrau and Aktau.


“Taxes, Audit and Finance in the Republic of Kazakhstan”

09.00-09.30 Registration of participants
09.30-09.40 Opening (A. Khorunzhiy)
09.40-10.20 The proposed amendments to the Tax Code (L. Satybaldina )Download…
10.20-11.00 Current issues on taxation of subsoil users (A. Khorunzhiy)  Download…
11.20-11.50 IFRS and financial accounting policies and their impact on the tax liabilities (A. Aushanov)  Download…
11.50-12.25 Problematic issues of CIT and their solutions in the Tax Accounting Policy (Khorunzhiy)  Download…

12.25-12.45 Developing Law of Administrative Offences and the criminal law in respect of the taxation (E. Galiyev)  Download…
12.45-13.00 Information and legal support of business, software products (M. Shipovalova) Download… 
14.00-14.40 Taxation of foreign individuals and other taxes (A. Satybaldina, A. Khorunzhiy and A. Aushanov)  Download… 
14.40-15.10 Coverage of an entrepreneur: compulsory and voluntary insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan (M. Shipovalova)  Download… 
15.10-15.40 Tax planning as part of compliance with the law and part of the measures to support the business during the financial crisis (Khorunzhiy) Download
15.40-16.00 Relationship with auditors, tips from practice (A. Aushanov)  Download…
16.20-16.40 The practice of judicial protection of the interests of the taxpayer (E. Galiyev)  Download…
16.40-16.50 “How to reach heaven?” – Participation of non-profit organizations and taxpayers in the improvement of tax legislation (A. Khorunzhiy) 
16.50-17.30 The answers to the questions submitted before and during the seminar


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