According to information provided by the Press Service of the RoK President, on 18 February 2013, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the Head of the Government signed the Law “On Introduction of Amendments into the RoK Law “On SEZs in the RoK” aimed at increase in investment potential of SEZs. The draft law was elaborated in order to implement the direction of the President of the country with respect to an issue of implementation of the project described as “Satellite developments in Almaty and Almaty region” with respect to creation of SEZs at land plots privately owned and to implement the Decree No. 406 of the RoK President dated 17th October 2012 “Concerning Introduction of Amendments into the RoK President Decree No. 495 “ On Creation of SEZ described as “National Industrial Oil and Gas Service Yard” dated 19th December 2007. 
The Law introduced amendments into the RoK Tax Code and the RoK Law “On SEZ in the RoK”. In particular, one provides for introduction of amendments into the Tax Code with respect to additional information on priority types of activities of SEZ “National Industrial Oil and Gas Service Yard” which is necessary to implement a strategic project described as “Construction of the Integrated Gas Chemical Facility”. Besides, the Law prescribes provisions enabling creation of SEZ in the territory of privately-owned land.


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