22 January 2018 views: 3,358Yerlan GaliyevNew features in the taxation of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and what are the ‘controlled foreign companies’
10 November 2017 views: 5,498Roza KinchinbayevaCharging VAT on forwarders’ services related to organization of international carriage
25 October 2017 views: 3,370Roza KinchinbayevaCharging VAT in providing interest-free financial assistance
30 August 2017 views: 2,591Gaukhar NarbekovaAccounting for expenses related to payment of compensations to shift workers
01 July 2017 views: 3,990Ulan BatenovRegistration of notifications about characteristics of the goods (products) containing encryption (cryptographic) facilities
28 April 2017 views: 2,376Gaukhar NarbekovaRecording the consequences of termination of lease agreements in tax accounting
20 February 2017 views: 2,736Gaukhar NarbekovaDeduction of expenses related to audit of the financial statements
25 March 2016 views: 1,800Ulan BatenovDenial of the international experience or access to a new level?
10 March 2016 views: 23,740Zadash DzhandaliyevaConcerning issuing invoices for payment of penalties on delayed payments
29 January 2014 views: 4,399Concerning legalization of certificates of residence of persons who are residents of countries participating in Kishinev Convention
16 January 2014 views: 5,231Laura SatybaldinaComments to certain amendments introduced by the RoK Law dated 5 December 2013 No. 152-V dated 10 December 2008 No. 99-IV.
15 January 2014 views: 3,256On some amendments introduced to the RoK legislative acts on January 1, 2014
04 March 2013 views: 3,561Concerning amendments introduced to tax legislation of RoK since January 1, 2013
01 March 2013 views: 3,226Concerning inclusion of royalty into customs value for importers, FEA participants