Months, Number of days Work days
calendar days сalendar days without holidays 40-hour working week 36-hour working week
Quarter, Work schedule Work schedule
half-year from the 1st day of month from the 1st day of month
9 months, to the end of month     to the end of month
Year 5-days 6-days 5-days 6-days
days days hours days hours days hours days hours
January* 31 29 20 160 23 155 20 144,00 23 138,00
February 28 28 20 160 24 160 20 144,00 24 144,00
March 31 27 19 152 23 153 19 136,80 23 138,00
I Quarter 90 84 59 472,00 70 468 59 424,80 70 420
April 30 30 20 160 25 165 20 144,00 25 150,00
May* 31 28 20 160 24 160 20 144,00 24 144,00
June 30 30 22 176 26 174 22 158,40 26 156,00
II Quarter 91 88 62 496,00 75 499,0 62 446,4 75 450,0
I Half-year 181 172 121 968,00 145 967,0 121 871,2 145 870,0
July 31 30 20 160 25 165 20 144,00 25 150,00
August 31 30 22 176 26 174 22 158,40 26 156,00
September 30 30 20 160 25 165 20 144,00 25 150,00
III Quarter 92 90 62 496,00 76 504,0 62 446,4 76 456,0
9 months 273 262 183 1464,00 221 1471 183 1317,6 221 1326
October 31 31 22 176 26 174 22 158,40 26 156,00
November 30 30 22 176 26 174 22 158,40 26 156,00
December* 31 28 18 144 23 153 18 129,60 23 138,00
IV Quarter 92 89 62 496,00 75 501,0 62 446,4 75 450,0
Year 365 351 245 1960,00 296 1972 245 1764 296 1776
Monthly average 29,25 20,42 163,33 24,67 164,33 20,42 147,00 24,67 148,00

 *Holidays that coincide with weekends will be postponed to the next working day after the holiday.



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