Months, Number of days Work days
calendar days calendar days without holidays 40-hour working week 36-hour working week
Quarter, Work schedule Work schedule
half-year from the 1st day of month from the 1st day of month
9 months, to the end of month to the end of month
Year 5-days’ week 6-days’ week 5-days’ week 6-days’ week
days days hours days hours days hours days hours
January 31 29 21 168 25 167 21 151.2 25 150
February 29 29 21 168 25 167 21 151.2 25 150
March* 31 27 17 136 22 146 17 122,4 22 132
I Quarter 91 85 59 472,0 72 480,0 59 424,8 72 432,0
April 30 30 22 176 26 174 22 158,4 26 156
May 31 28 20 160 24 160 20 144,0 24 144
June 30 30 20 160 25 165 20 144,0 25 150
II Quarter 91 88 62 496,0 75 499,0 62 446,4 75 450,0
I Half-year 182 173 121 968,0 147 979,0 121 871,2 147 882,0
July* 31 30 22 176 26 176 22 158,4 26 156
August 31 30 21 168 26 172 21 151,2 26 156
September 30 30 21 168 25 167 21 151,2 25 150
III Quarter 92 90 64 512,0 77 515,0 64 460,8 77 462,0
9 months 274 263 185 1480,0 224 1494,0 185 1332,0 224 1344,0
October 31 30 22 176 26 174 22 158,4 26 156
November 30 30 21 168 26 172 21 151,2 26 156
December 31 30 21 168 25 167 21 151,2 25 150
IV Quarter 92 90 64 512,0 77 513,0 64 460,8 77 462,0
Year 366 353 249 1992,00 301 2007,00 249 1792,80 301 1806,00
Monthly average 29,42 20,75 166,00 25,08 167,25 20,75 149,40 25,08 150,50

* When holidays coincide with weekends, the working day that comes after holiday will be a rest day.

In 2024, the first day of Qurban Ait falls on 16 June.