These are the results of  study of HeadHunter, Business Portal reports. Research Center of HeadHunter has analyzed about 11 thousand vacancies and 720 thousand responses in September on and find out in which professional fields found to have maximum competition.

Last month, for the sentence in the professional fields of “administrative staff» and “Lawyers” the employer received  on average 87 and 86 resumes of applicants, respectively. Also, we can observe an increased competition among financial industry (79 applicants per a position), top managers (68), and specialists in HR (63) and procurement (60). From 50 to 58 candidates were in the professional field, such as “Early career”, “Non-profit organization” and» Banks, Investments, Leasing.” The least of all the responses was received on the job in the professional  areas: ” Building and Real estate”, “Production “, (19 resumes per a vacancy on average) and “Operating staff ” ( 7).

“Despite the fact that the Kazakh employers often publish jobs in professional fields  “Sales “,”Information Technology, “Accounting, Finance”, “administrative staff “ and “Production” , only in two areas of this ” five ” one observed the maximum number of responses. The study results indirectly confirmed that the modern job seekers are still interested in the professions associated with finance, law, administration and management (both staff and business areas) Marina Sakieva, Director of Marketing and PR  of HeadHunter Kazakhstan said.

Source: Business Portal

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