On 20 February 2013, Lyazzat Ibragimov, a Chairman of the Board of Damu “Entrepreneurship Development Fund” JSC reported that “,  2357 Kazakh entities of S&ME receive state financial support and about 30,000 Kazakh entrepreneurs receive non-financial government support in the form of training, service support and service, passing an internship abroad under the “Business Road Map-2020” program.  

According to information by L. Ibragimova, the main condition for their implementation is transparency. So, the least amount of credit was granted in the Karaganda region – 390 thousand tenge, and the largest amount in Kostanai region – 4.5 billion tenge. Subsidizing ensured the keeping of 136,000 jobs and the creation of 34,700 new jobs. Before the end of 2014, one plans to create 8,000 of new jobs. In 27 one-company towns of the country Support Centers for Entrepreneurs (SCE) will operate. Currently, 12 permanent SCE operate. 16 SCE will also operate at the regional level in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the regional branches of “Damu” Fund.   Such centers have already been opened and operate in Almaty and Shymkent. 14 mobile SCE will operate at the district level. In 2012, the equipment was purchased and 5 mobile SCE started its work.

Three levels SMEs infrastructure support is aimed at improving the professional skills of SMEs in the regions. It will provide maximum coverage of SMEs by government support and leads to an increase in the number of stable working SMEs subject, growth in business activity and employment as Lyazzat Ibragimova concluded.

In May 2012, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Programme of company towns development for 2012-2020. 27 one-company towns were selected with a population of 1.5 million people, representing 16% of the urban population to participate in it. This program will be implemented in 2 phases: the initial phase (2013-2015) and a period of strong growth (up to 2020). It is planned that by 2020, the number of active small businesses in one-company towns would increase 4-fold in comparison with 2011. The share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum will be reduced to 6% in one-company towns. The unemployment level of one-company towns will be reduced to 5%. 

Source: primeminister.kz.

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